Digital fluency- Achieved through a Science Project!



Script: Digital Fluency

 Digital Fluency concerns the development of digital literacy skills as well as developing proficiency in key programs and digital technologies. As explained by (Stergioulas and Drenoyianni, 2011), students of the 21st century are expected to develop ICT skills for their digitally rich futures including using software, to search, locate, transform and control information. These combine to develop the (SCSA., 2017) ICT capability. I will now discuss the digital fluency framework as outlined by (Howell, 2012)


Creative activity

(Howell, 2012) explains that Students are positioned to create a digital artefact, making them digital content creators. (Stergioulas and Drenoyianni, 2011., p.92) explain the change of the learning environment in regard to technology, such as the ability to present a science project as a movie.

This activity allows creativity as students bring their own experiences into the storyboard. (Howell, 2012) says students will become digital content creators and builds from the neophyte skills to proficiency in iMovie and video recording: Moving towards digital fluency.


Experimental activity

Digitally fluent students need to understand how things work in digital literacies. (Howell, 2012) states; this is concerned with problem solving, where they discover how something works and how to make sure it works. The science project allows experimentation with different functionalities of programs such as iMovie as students edit the film. The increased proficiency of publishing videos establishes fluency

Purposeful activity


This involves building upon prior skills developed in primary years (neophytes). These activities purposefully plan to acquire experience and fluency in particular technologies, programs and sets of skills. The topics are closely tied to the curriculum. As (Howell, 2012) explains the science project allows for skills of use of publishing software and the ability to record and upload. (Stergioulas and Drenoyianni, 2011) point out that ‘students have to study the material well, if not they will not be able to create a movie’.





BrisbaneKids. (2017). Movie releases September. Retrieved from:


Devorah Heitner, Phd (2014) Top Ten Concerns about Children and Technology. Retrieved from:


FrappSudentsOnly. (2018). Retrieved from:


Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration and Creativity. VIC. Oxford University Press



School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). (2017). Science V8.1. Retrieved from:


Stergioulas, L.K., Drenoyianni. (2011). Pursuing Digital Literacy in Compulsory Education. New York. Peter Lang Publishing.


TheUniversityOfIowa. (2015) Digital Media Class Gets Taste of the real World. Retrieved from:


WikiMediaCommons. (2015) Human Evolution. retrieved from:















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